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The right to a public education is important for every person. In Armenia, access to public education for people with disabilities is defined and regulated by several laws including:  On Education; On Education of Persons Requiring Special Education; On Social Security of People with Disabilities; as well as by a number of by-laws and other legal acts.

Several schooling options exist for students with disabilities including attending “mainstream” schools, attending special schools for children with disabilities, and home educational studies. (According to current law, “home educational studies” is organized for a person with special educational needs at his/her home by a teacher if the person temporarily or permanently cannot attend any educational institution because of their state of health.  The Republic of Armenia Government Decision #1506-N of October 26, 2006, approved the list of diseases granting the right to home education for people with special needs.)

Integrated/inclusive teaching is the co-education of students both with and without special needs in general and specialized educational institutions through the use of special accommodations (additional assistance, physical adaptations to the environment, etc.) for the children with special needs.

With regard to secondary and higher educational institutions (universities), people belonging to the 1st and 2nd disability groups (as defined under Republic of Armenia law) and persons with the status of “a child with a disability”, and who have passed entrance examinations, enjoy the right to study at the institution free of tuition, providing they have earned sufficient points to enter the section of the institution for paying students.  Based on this, students with the status of “a child with a disability” who are studying free of charge,  move to the pay section of the educational institution if they do not acquire the status of “a person with disability” after reaching 18 years of age.  Students within the 1st and 2nd groups of disability studying free of charge move to the paying section of the educational institution if they do not regain their status at the medico-social re-examination conducted during their studies.

Likewise, students enrolled within the paying section of the educational institution who have a change in status to either “a child with a disability” or a person with the 1st or 2nd group of disability can move to the free system of that educational institution during their studies. At the beginning of each academic year a student with a disability must submit proper documentation confirming his or her disability to the administration of the institution.

As long as students with disabilities excel in their studies and meet their minimum requirements, they are eligible for tuition scholarships from the Government regardless of their economic status (including receiving a poverty allowance and/or disability pension.)

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